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At Abodus we understand that not one contract length fits all and we understand that not every course fits into a standard academic year. We have a few select rooms that are available on a semester let basis and are currently available from January 2024.
Our Standard En-suites are the perfect blend of privacy and community living. With this you have the privacy of your own bedroom and en-suite bathroom, but you’ll share the kitchen with your flatmates.
Minimum stay is 1 full semester and there is no deposit to pay! Full payment is required upon booking.
Semester let Single Occupancy
Portland Green Student Village is the home away from home that you need to enjoy your university experience in a new city. We care what you think and this is why we know living in a safe, social and cost-effective environment is what you want.
Portland Green Student Village
Portland Green Student Village
Portland Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne
0191 484 0110
[email protected]