By Louise, Social Media and Events Executive at Abodus
Can we chat? But specifically, can we chat about the things I personally like to do to help with my mental health.
Mental health is a big one, sometimes too big it’s scary to talk about it. So, for time to talk day, let’s chat about ways you can improve your own mental health in ways you might not have thought.
Why don’t you take yourself on a date? Going out by yourself is daunting and I for one, wouldn’t of ever considered it. But isn’t it time we get over the stigma of looking at someone by themselves and thinking they are lonely? Go see a movie by yourself, take yourself out for lunch, book a spa treatment or have a self-care day at home. Start small or just go big, but the first step is what you need to start doing this more than often.
Travel solo? You don’t need people to be able to go on holiday or a trip, go solo. Choose a destination you’ve always wanted to go or even switch it up and randomly decide, but pack that case along with your passport and fly! Become comfortable in your own company, do everything you want to do and find yourself along the way.
Why don’t you pick up a new hobby? The classic get that new Pinterest board set up, save the ideas, gather the supplies needed and full steam ahead. Finding something new to add to your life could be what you need for that serotonin boost. You never know, you could explore interests you never knew you had.
Are you taking care of your physical self? Physical wellbeing is just as important as mental, they go hand in hand together. Taking care of the one, compliments the other. For me, I have taken up swimming in the mornings before work. It wakes me up and the main point, I’ve been feeling really good within myself which sets me up for the day ahead. Doing something different, a sport you may like or used to do, pick it up again and see what impact it might have.
Do you need a social break? Too much time spent scrolling and feeling out of place from society? Take yourself down a social detox route. Come away from the screen, pay attention to the real life more and come back in touch with yourself. Working within social media, it can become a lot mentally but making that balance to have my out of work life social free, it’s helped maintain my mental health by not overwhelming with too much digital in my life.
These are just some of the things I personally do and am aiming this year to achieve to make a change in my life, positive especially. To keep it simple, there are so many more things you can do to improve your mental health and I encourage whoever reading this to come up with their own. Small or big, anything can make an impact if you put your mind to it and hopefully you start to see the positive change!
It’s important to talk about mental health but sometimes, it’s just as important to talk about what we can do to help our mental health. But I’m glad we’ve had this chat, it sometimes is time to talk.